The 9th edition of the GREIT Lisbon Summer Course on "International & European Tax Coordination"

de 19 a 23 de junho de 2017, na Universidade de Lisboa

The 9th edition of the GREIT Lisbon Summer Course on "International & European Tax Coordination"

Scientific coordinator: Professor Ana Paula Dourado (CIDEEFF/University of Lisbon)


The 9th edition of the GREIT Lisbon Summer Course will take place from 19-23 June, at the University of Lisbon, organized by CIDEEFF/IDEFF.

This year's central topic is "International & European Tax Coordination". This year’s course focuses on International &  European Tax Coordination, namely:

- The ATA package
- The OECD Multilateral instrument
- Coordination vs. competition
- Recent developments in state aid

Lecturers of this year's Course are: 

1. Yariv Brauner (Univ. of Florida);
2. Cécile Brokelind (Lund Univ.); 
3. Vikram Chand (Univ. of Lausanne);
4. Tsily Dagan (Univ. Illan -Israel);
5. Luc De Broe (Catholic University of Leuven);
6. Ana Paula Dourado (Univ. of Lisbon); 
7. Roland Ismer (Univ. Friedrich-Alexander-Nuremberg);
8. Blazej Kuzniacki (Research Fellow at Singapore Management Uni.);
9. Richard Lyal (EU Comission);
10. Sophia Piotrowski (Univ. Friedrich-Alexander-Nuremberg);
11. Pasquale Pistone (IBFD/WU of Vienna/Uni. of Salerno);
12. Luís Eduardo Schoueri (Univ. São PauIo/BFD In residence Professor);
13. D.P. Sengupta (National Institute of Public Finance and Policy of India);
14. Stephen E. Shay (Univ. Harvard);
15. Peter Wattel (Univ. of Amsterdam); 
16. Dennis Weber (Univ. of Amsterdam);
17. John Vella (SAID Bus. School, Oxford).

Download the speaker's CV's here.

As in previous editions, debate among lecturers and participants from different countries is promoted, enabling all participants to enter into a detailed analysis of the tax topics under discussion.


Waivers to PhD students are granted.

We kindly ask you to disseminate the GREIT Summer Course 2017 in your professional organization and network.


Assistants: Joana Fernandes / Sérgio Varela Alves

Enrolment/Contact us at:

Application forms are available to download here:
- personal registration (click to download)
- firms registration (click to download)

Download the course schedule here.

Download the course poster here.

Download the course brochure here. 


CIDEEFF - Centro de Investigação de Direito Europeu, Económico, Financeiro e Fiscal |

IDEFF - Instituto de Direito Económico, Financeiro e Fiscal |

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