Claudia Marchetti da Silva is a lawyer and tax consultant.
She is a doctoral candidate in Tax Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon and a Master in Constitutional Law at the Universidade Metodista (BR/SP) with a degree recognized by the University of Lisbon inherent to the Portuguese academic Master's degree.
Claudia has a postgraduate degree in Tax Law from the Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributário/SP.
She was a professor of Tax Law and Constitutional Law at the Superior School of Administration, Marketing and Communication of Sorocaba (BR/SP) and of Tax Law at the MBA at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (BR/RJ).
Cláudia is a professor of the MBA course in Tax Law and Accounting at BSSP (BR/GO) and a collaborating researcher in the Tax Litigation in Portugal project of the Institute of Economic and Financial Law and Tax, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Ana Paula Dourado.