Prof. Doutor Marco Capitão Ferreira

Prof. Doutor Marco Capitão Ferreira

Since 2000 Professor Marco Ferreira has been an Assistant Professor at Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon. Previously he has served as a lecturer at the masters Program in Economics, Competition Policy and Economic Regulation at ISCTE-IUL (2013-2014), at post-graduation studies in Security and Defense Public Policies at IUL-ISCTE (2013-2014) , at the post graduation  course on Strategic and Security Studies  at the New Lisbon University on the Scientific and Industrial Defense Cluster (2012-2014) and at the National Defense Institute on Defense Economy subjects (2011-2014).

Additionally, he also served as a Co-Coordinator of the Seminar on Defense and Economy, at the post-graduation studies in Security and Defense Public Policies at IUL-ISCTE (2013-2014). He was an Executive Board member of EMPORDEF – Empresas Portuguesas de Defesa, (SGPS), S.A., the Portuguese State holding company for the defense industries (2008-2011), a legal adviser to the Minister of Defense, Prof. Dr. Nuno Severiano Teixeira (2006-2008) and a legal expert at the Rail Regulator (2000-2006). Amongst others, his main publications include - Regular contributor to “Diário Económico”, a Portuguese daily newspaper with an emphasis on financial and economic issues; “Public Procurement in the Defense Sector” in New Frontiers of Public Procurement (Organized by Nuno Cunha Rodrigues), upcoming 2014; “One size fits none” in "Does Austerity Kill? Does Austerity Heal?" (Organized by Eduardo Paz Ferreira), Lisbon Law School Editions, Lisbon, 2013; With Filipe Nunes and Bruno Reis, "National Defense and Armed Forces ", in Public policies towards reform of the Government (Organized by Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues, Pedro Adão e Silva), Almedina, Coimbra, 2013. He is a member of the research group on Crisis, Public Policies, Taxation Policies and the Euro.

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