Invited Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, where she has been teaching since 2009.
PhD in Law from the Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon (2021).
Non-governmental advisor to the Competition Authority at the International Competition Network.
Portuguese Rapporteur for the XXIX Congress of the International Federation of European Law.
Member of the Competition Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce - Portugal.
President of the Fiscal Council of the Circle of Portuguese Lawyers in Competition Law.
Invited Editor of the journal Competition Law & Policy Debate.
Lecturer, author, and co-author of various chapters and articles in individual and collective publications, both national and international, including: Derecho de la competencia en los mercados laborales: una tendencia mundial, Actualidad Administrativa, no. 9, 2024; Competition Enforcement and Labour Markets: Too Much Too Soon?, Global Competition Litigation Review, 2, 2024; Review of the EU Vertical and Horizontal Block Exemption Regulations and Guidelines – Where we are at and what lies ahead, Revista de Concorrência e Regulação, no. 52, 2023; Abuse of a Dominant Position in the Digital Economy in the EU and the US: the Big Four and the War of the Worlds, European Competition Law Review (ECLR), 2020; A Fish out of Water. Critical Analysis of the AdC's Draft Proposal for the Transposition of the ECN+ Directive Into Portuguese Law, Revista de Concorrência e Regulação, nos. 42 and 43, 2020; Direito da concorrência e big data: ponto da situação e perspetivas, Tânia Luísa Faria, in Revista de Concorrência e Regulação, no. 29, 2017.
She conducts research within Group I, II, and III.