13th edition of GREIT Summer Course

21 a 25 de junho de 2021, Sessões online

CIDEEFF and GREIT are proud to announce the 13th GREIT Lisbon Summer Course. It will take place online, via Zoom, from 21 through 25 June.

The GREIT Summer Course will be a fully online event with sessions via zoom (The programme is scheduled at Central European time).

The programme focus on EU Recent Tax Developments and the Tax Package.

The GREIT Lisbon Summer Course is targeted to tax professionals and academics, and is an excellent opportunity to debate the recent trends in European & International Taxation and expand your professional & academic network.

Applications Form: click here

13th Annual GREIT Lisbon Summer Course Programme:

21 - MONDAY - DAY 1

09:30 – 09:40 - Welcome reception
Round Table: Digital & environmental tax responses, own resources, qualified majority

09:40 – 11:10 - Cécile Brokelind (Univ. of Lund)
Ana Paula Dourado (Univ. of Lisbon, CIDEEFF, Intertax); Pasquale Pistone (IBFD, Univ. of Salerno, WU Vienna); Dennis Weber (Univ. of Amsterdam)

11:10 – 11:20 - Interval
Session I: De facto discrimination: fundamental freedoms and state aid

11:20 – 12:50 -Pasquale Pistone (IBFD, Univ. of Salerno, WU Vienna)
Dennis Weber (Univ. of Amsterdam)

22 – TUESDAY – DAY 2

EU tax reform – 15th July 2020 tax package: Overview and implementation
Session II: European Union own resources in the post-covid pandemic

09:30 – 10:20 - Frans Vanistendael (KU Leuven)
Session III: TBC

10:20 - 11:10 - Richard Lyal (European Commission)

11:10 – 11:20 - Interval

Session IV: TBC

11:20 – 12:10 - Edoardo Traversa (Univ. Catholique de Louvain)


Digital Tax

Session V: Digital services tax and the principle of non-discrimination

15:00 -15:50 - Ruth Mason (Univ. of Virginia)

15:50 – 16:00 - Interval

Session VI: The EU Digital services tax and third countries

16:00 – 17:30 - Irma Mosquera (Univ. of Leiden); Ana Paula Dourado


Session VII: Protection of fundamental rights of taxpayers

09:30 – 10:20 - Katerini Pantazatou (Univ. of Luxembourg)

10:20 – 10:30 - Interval

Session VIII: Relationship between primary and secondary law

10:30 – 11:20 - Rita Szudoczky (WU Vienna)

25 – FRIDAY – DAY 5

CJEU: Recent and Pending Cases on Fundamental Freedoms and Secondary Law

Session IX: TBC

09:30 – 10:20 - Cécile Brokelind

10:20 – 10:30 - Interval

Session X: Selected issues on VAT

10:30 – 12:00 - Marta Papis (Univ. of Lund); Giorgio Beretta (Università Carlo Cattaneo)

Closing words

12:00 – 12:10 - Ana Paula Dourado

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