Call for Papers: IX Jean Monnet Network Workshop - BRIDGE Watch in Buenos Aires

Até 17 de março de 2025
Call for Papers: IX Jean Monnet Network Workshop - BRIDGE Watch in Buenos Aires

We are pleased to announce the upcoming IX Workshop of the Jean Monnet Network – BRIDGE Watch Seminar, a Policy Debate project co-financed by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Program. This event will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in April 2025.

In collaboration with the Latin American Center of European Studies, BRIDGE WATCH invite the academic community to submit scientific articles for the IX Jean Monnet Network Workshop – BRIDGE Watch Seminar on “Human Rights, Dignity, and Equality: A Dialogue between Latin America and Europe“, to be held in a hybrid format on April 9, 2025, at Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Articles will be accepted in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, presented individually or in co-authorship (maximum of three authors) by contributors with any academic background. Submissions from undergraduate students enrolled in higher education institutions are also accepted. The scientific article must contain between 35,000 and 50,000 characters (including spaces), including references.

Complete articles must be submitted by March 17, 2025, at 23:59, Argentina time (GMT-3), via an online form.

The best paper will receive the Jean Monnet BRIDGE Watch Award for Scientific Merit for the academic contribution presented, at the discretion of the Organizing Committee. Additionally, The best-selected articles will be: presented at the Workshop, at the discretion of the Organizing Committee, and considered for publication in the Thematic Dossier of the 9th Edition of the Latin American Journal of European Studies (ISSN 2763-8685), provided they pass the double-blind peer review of the Journal;

For further details, the call for papers can be found:

Call for papers – English
Call for papers – Spanish
Call for Paper – Portuguese

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