Competition and Economic Regulation Reforms to be Developed in the Two Sides of the Atlantic (Brazil and Portugal)

31 de maio de 2012, São Paulo


Presentation of the Special/Double Number of the Competition and Regulation Review (C&R), incluiding a Special Thematic File on Competition Law and policy in Brazil, comprehending the presentation of the Articles included in that Thematic File by the Brazilian Authors:
Prof. Vinícius Marques de Carvalho (New President of CADE – Brazilian Competition Authority)
Prof. Ricardo Medeiros de Castro
Prof. Vicente Bagnoli
Profª Ana Paula Martinez

The New Brazilian Competition (2011), which will be in force as from 30 May 2012
Prof. Olavo Chinaglia (President of CADE until May 30 2012)
Prof. Fernando Herren Aguillar (USP and USJT)
Prof. Caio Mário da Silva Pereira Neto (GV)
Prof. Carlos Joppert Ragazzo (UERJ/New General Superintendent of
Prof. Celso Fernandes Campilongo (USP)
Prof. Alessandro Octaviani Luís (USP/Member of the Board of CADE)

The New Portuguese Competition Act (2012), which will be in force as from July 2012
Dr. João Espirito Santo Noronha (FDUL and Member of the Board of the Portuguese Competition Authority-PCA/Co-Director of C&R)
Prof. Luís Silva Morais (FDUL, Vice President of European and Economic Lawe Institutes of Lisbon Law University and Co-Director of C&R)
Prof. Paulo de Sousa Mendes (FDUL and Director of Legal Department of PCA)

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