Competition litigation and consumer protection: a comparative EU analysis, with focus on Portugal and the UK

3 de Junho de 2013, 17h30 no Anf. 6 da FDL


Competition litigation and consumer protection: a comparative EU analysis, with focus on Portugal and the UK

Monday, 3rd June 2013, 17h30 (University of Lisbon Law School, Anf. 6)
Ideff and European Institute of FDL in cooperation with Nova School of Business & Economics

Judicial protection of consumers from damages arising from infringements of competition law is still practically inexistent or at least not widely known or discussed in Portugal. In this lecture, following an invitation from Prof. Luís Morais, of the European Institute and IDEFF of Lisbon Law Faculty (FDL), in a joint initiative with Prof. Leonor Rossi of the Nova School of Business & Economics, Prof. Barry Rodger, of Strathclyde University Law School, shall present the results of a European research project he coordinated, which identified the precedents of private enforcement of competition law in the 27 Member States, analyzing them, especially, in what concerns their contribution to consumer protection (Handout

He will be introduced by Prof. Luís Silva Morais, who will open the proceedings together with Prof. Leonor Rossi, presenting the key goals of the Seminar. The lecture of Prof Barry Rodger will be preceded by a brief presentation by Prof. Leonor Rossi and Miguel Sousa Ferro, of the of Lisbon Law Faculty (FDL), authors of the national report included in this study, which will cover that report on Portugal. The aim of the session is to describe the European and national reality, and to create a forum for the discussion of the causes and possible solutions for the shortcomings identified, as well as for the clarification of doubts relating to judicial practice.

Admission is free subject to advance registration and subject to the capacity of the room / / + 351 217 962 198 / + 351 961 497 070 /tel.: 217933250

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