Conference: 30 years after joining the EU - Lights and Shadows of the European Union

14 e 15 de novembro, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian



14th November 2016

9:00 Opening Session
Manuel Heitor*, Minister for higher Education, Science and Technology
Artur Santos Silva, President of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Eduardo Paz Ferreiral, President of the European Institute

Presentation of the book "União Europeia. Reforma ou Declínio" (European Union. Reform or Decline

09:30 Opening Session
Will the European Union survive its crisis?
Martin Wolf, Chief Economics Commentator at the Financial Times

10:30 What happens after Brexit?
Kirsty Hayes, United Kingdom’s Ambassador to Portugal
Paulo de Pitta e Cunha, Emeritus Professor of the University of Lisbon School of Law
Paulo Macedo, Director of Ocidental, Visiting Professor of the University of Lisbon
Carlos Branco, Major-General

12:15 The European Union against the wall?
Enrique Baron Crespo, former President of The European Parliament
Heiner Flassbeck, Economist of the Institute for New Economic Thinking
José Silva Peneda, former President of the Social and Economic Council Conselho Económico e Social
Viriato Soromenho-Marques, Philosophy Professor at FLUL
André Freire, Political Scientist, Professor at ISCTE-IUL

15:30 The rise and fall of Social Europe
Constantino Sakellarides (Professor at National School of Public Health
Pedro Adão e Silva, Sociologist, Professor at ISCTE-IUL
Jorge Reis Novais, Professor at the University of Lisbon Law School
Eduardo Paz Ferreira, Presidente of the European Institute

17:30 Europe's new walls
Christiane Taubira, former Minister of Justice of France
Carlos Coelho, member of the European Parliament
Marisa Matias, member of the European Parliament
Rui Tavares, Visiting Fellow, Remarque Institute, New York University
Nuno Cunha Rodrigues, Professor at the University of Lisbon School of Law



15th November 2016


09:30 What future for the Euro?
João Ferreira do Amaral, Economist, Professor at ISEG
Vítor Bento, Economist, President of SIBS
Stuart Holland, Visiting Professor of the University of Coimbra School of Economics
António Goucha Soares, Professor at ISEG-UL

11:30 Who decides our budget?
João Galamba (member of the Portuguese Parliament
António Leitão Amaro (member of the Portuguese Parliament
Marco Capitão Ferreira (Professor at Law School of Lisbon
Diogo Feio (Professor at the University of Oporto Law School

15:00 To whom serves the European Banking Union?
Ana Gomes, member of the European Parliament
Nicolas Véron, Senior Fellow at Bruegel
Fernando Faria de Oliveira, President of the Portuguese Banks’ Association
Álvaro Nascimento, Professor at Oporto Catholic University
Ricardo Cabral, Professor at the University of Madeira
Carlos Costa Pina, Researcher at CIDEEFF 

17:00 TTIP: the partnership that no one knows?
João Ferreira, member of the European Parliament
Maxime Vaudano, Journalist of Le Monde
José Manuel Pureza, member of the Portuguese Parliament
Pedro Infante Mota, Professor at the University of Lisbon Law School

18:30 Closing session
Augusto Santos Silva, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Eduardo Paz Ferreira, President of the European Institute

Presentation of the winner of Paulo de Pitta e Cunha Award
Presentation of the winner of José Medeiros Ferreira Award

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