Conference "The Budget under analysis"

25 de fevereiro de 2016 pelas 9h30 no auditório da FDUL


25 February 2016

Auditorium of the Lisbon University Law Faculty

On the one hand, unbridled passions that defend the document as saviour of the homeland. On the other, raised voices that see in the draft State Budget an unrealistic and politically controversial document. But who is right? Is this draft State Budget for 2016 a reasonable document?

It is based on this context that CIDEEFF and IDEFF will present the debate “THE BUDGET UNDER ANALYSIS” on 25 February. There will be four major topics around the State Budget 2016 under discussion: budgetary policy, taxation, health and social security.

The conference includes the participation of a member of Government in each one of the discussion panels who will discuss with some of the most credible voices in each one of the areas about the course the Government is giving the country: a technical, political and citizen’s analysis to clarify the minds of even the most confused.

It will see the participation of Eduardo Cabrita, Deputy Minister, Rocha Andrade, Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs, Adalberto Campos Fernandes, Health Minister, and Vieira da Silva, Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security.

The speakers will include Mário Patinha Antão, Paulo Macedo, Ricardo Paes Mamede and Marco Capitão Ferreira for the debate on budgetary policy, Clotilde Palma, Américo Brás Carlos, Carlos Lobo, António Carlos Santos and Manuel Faustino for the debate on taxation, Constantino Sakellarides, Pedro Santana Lopes and José Carlos Lopes Martins for the debate on health, and Nazaré Costa Cabral, Carlos Farinha Rodrigues and Luís Pais Antunes for the debate on social security.

Free entry by way of prior registration and subject to capacity:
IDEFF - Instituto de Direito Económico Financeiro e Fiscal
Alameda da Universidade - Faculdade de Direito
1649-014 Lisboa
217962198 | 961497070 |

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