Conference "The economic integration in Europe"

8 e 9 de maio de 2017, Auditório da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa

Organization: Nazaré da Costa Cabral, José Renato Gonçalves e Nuno Cunha Rodrigues

Supporter: Banco de Portugal

Free admission subject to registration to

Day 1

Opening session (9:30-10:15)
- Pedro Romano Martinez, Dean Lisbon School of Law, University of Lisbon
- Carlos Costa, Governor of the Portuguese Central Bank, Banco de Portugal
- Eduardo Paz Ferreira, CIDEEFF’s Coordinator


Morning session (10:15 - 13:00) – The Euro crisis and the banking sector
Moderator – Eduardo Paz Ferreira, CIDEEFF’s Coordinator, Professor Lisbon School of Law

1) Relationships between the banking sector and the capital markets
- Victor Mendes,  Management Board of the Portuguese Securities Market Commission - download the presentation here

2) Liquidity, solvency and risk in banking institutions: financial ratios
- Ana Cristina Leal, Director of Financial Stability Department, Portuguese Central Bank - download the presentation here

3) Banks’ balance sheets and assets quality; the case of ‘non-performing loans’
- Willem Pieter de Groen, Researcher CEPS (Center for European Policy Studies) - download the presentation here

Coffee-break (15m)

4) Deleveraging and recapitalization of the financial and non financial sectors of the economy
- Luís Mira Amaral, Member of the Board of the ‘Sociedade Portuguesa para a Inovação’ (Portuguese Society for Innovation) - download the presentation here

5) The crisis and bank’s financial position: evolution in Portugal and in Europe
- Marco Capitão Ferreira, Researcher CIDEEFF, Professor Lisbon School of Law


Afternoon session (14:45 - 17:30) – The Banking Union (BU) and its economic effects
Moderator: Luís Máximo dos Santos, Member of the Board of Directors of the Portuguese Central Bank, Banco de Portugal

1) The political objectives of the BU and its macroeconomic effects
- Manuel Sebastião, Professor Católica Lisbon Business & Economics, Non-Executive Director and President of the Audit Committee of ‘REN – Redes Energéticas Nacionais, SGPS, S.A’

2) The BU and the independence of the European Central Bank (ECB)
- José Renato Gonçalves, Researcher CIDEEFF, Professor Lisbon School of Law

3) Banking Regulation and Supervision pillars: the links between Basel III and the BU
- Nuno Cunha Rodrigues, Researcher CIDEEFF, Professor Lisbon School of Law

Coffee-break (15 m)

4) Banking resolution: problems and outstanding questions
- Ana Perestrelo de Oliveira, Professor Lisbon School of Law

5) The relationships between the BU and the European Stability Mechanism (ESM): banking restructuring
- Carlos Costa Pina, Member of the Board Galp Portugal, Assistant Professor Lisbon School of Law - download the presentation here


Day 2

9:30 - Reception


Morning session (9:45 - 13:00) – The European Central Bank’s (ECB’s) functions, monetary policy and financial stability
Moderator: Nazaré da Costa Cabral, Researcher CIDEEFF, Professor Lisbon School of Law

1) A brief chronology of the crisis and the impact of policy responses
- Francesco Mongelli, Researcher Senior Adviser DGE – Directorate Monetary Policy - European Central Bank - download the presentation here

2) ECB's crisis management and its end
- Fritz Breuss, Professor, Researcher, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) - download the presentation here

3) The Outright Monetary TransactionsOMT program and financial integration in Europe: analysis of its main effects
- João Amador, Professor at Nova School of Business and Economics; Economics and Research Department, Portuguese Central Bank

Coffee-break (15 m)

4) Euro area sovereign yield spreads and quantitative easing
- António Afonso, Professor, ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Business - download the presentation here

5) The monetary policy of the ECB and the function of ‘lender of last resort’
- Ansgar Belke, Professor and Director of the Institute of Business and Economic Studies (IBES) at the University of Duisburg-Essen - download the presentation here

6) The effects of the ECB monetary policy and banking supervision
- Ricardo Cabral, Professor, University of Madeira - download the presentation here


Afternoon session (14:30 - 17:15)Financial integration and the internal market enhancement – what is missing?
Moderator: Miguel Moura e Silva, Professor FDL, investigador CIDEEFF 

1) The Single EU Capital Market and its importance for financial integration in Europe
- José Manuel Quelhas, Professor, School of Law, University of Coimbra - download the presentation here

2) The creation of a deposit insurance scheme in Europe: rationale, difficulties and risks
- Jorge Braga de Macedo, Professor, Nova School of Business and Economics

Coffee-break (15 m)

3) BU, mergers and acquisitions, and the banking sector concentration
- Nuno Teles, CES Researcher (Center for Social Studies), University of Coimbra - download the presentation here

4) Bank resolution and the European Banking Authority
- Andromachi Georgosouli, Professor, School of Law at Queen Mary University of London

5) Bank Resolution: ‘bail in’ or ‘bail-out’
- João Duque, Professor, ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Business - download the presentation here

Coffee-break (15 m)


17:30 - 18:15 –  Presentation of the Book ‘The Euro and the Crisis – Perspectives for the Eurozone as a Monetary and Budgetary Union’

Closing lecture: ‘Two contrasting visions on the future of the E(M)U’
Moderator: Rui Peres Jorge (Journalist, Jornal de Negócios)
- Annette Bongardt/Francisco Torres, Visiting Senior Fellow in European Political Economy European Institute, LSE (London School of Economics)
- Francisco Louçã, Professor, ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Business


All the videos from the conference are available on our YouTube channel: click here to access it.

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