Conference "The Ongoing Reform of the International Tax System"

10 de janeiro de 2020, Universidade de Lisboa

Scientific Coordination:
Ana Paula Dourado (University of Lisbon & Intertax)
& Rita de la Feria (University of Leeds & CIDEEFF)

9:00 – 9:30 Welcome Address
Ana Paula Dourado (University of Lisbon & Intertax)
Rita de la Feria (University of Leeds & CIDEEFF)

9:30 - 10:30 Session 1: Policy Debate
Chair: Stephanie Johnston (Tax Analysts)
Grace Perez-Navarro (OECD)
Brice Reguimi (TAXUD)

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 - 13:00 Session 2: Allocation of Taxing Rights

Chair: Rita de la Feria (University of Leeds & CIDEEFF)

Minimum Corporate Income Tax (OECD Pillar 2 – GloBE)
Joachim Englisch (University of Münster)
Rethinking the GloBE
Leopoldo Parada (University of Leeds)
The New International Tax system: the OECD Half-Way Solution
Ana Paula Dourado (University of Lisbon)

13:00 - 13:30 Debate

13:30 - 15:00 Lunch

15:00 - 17:00 Session 3: The Future of the International Tax System

Chair: Ana Paula Dourado (University of Lisbon & Intertax)

Value Creation and Transfer Pricing
Werner Haslehner (University of Luxembourg)
Value Creation and a New Taxing Right for the Market State
Svitlana Buriak (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
The OECD Efforts to Reform the International Tax Framework and the Taxation of AAI: Lessons to be Learned?
Lucas de Lima Carvalho (University of Sao Paulo)
International tax reform and technology
Marcel Scharper (Maastricht University)

17:00 - 17:30 Debate and Closing

Informações de pagamento:
a) FEE: 350 EUROS
b) Exemption for non-working students in Tax Law / Taxation
c) Discount of 50% is applicable for non-working students; Tax Authority and Magistrates
d) If an entity request three or more fees, the price fee shall have 20% of discount.

To enrol in “The Lisbon International & European Tax Law Seminars”, please return this form duly filled-in (with their proof of payment – when applied) by e-mail (

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