Conference "Trump Day"

20 de janeiro de 2017, Salão Nobre da Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa

This is the day that few of us were expecting to assist - and even less - wished to. Donald Trump becomes the 45th President of the United States of America or, as Time magazine said, "President of the Divided States of America".

The tone and the methods of the campaign, the promises (threats), the controversial team and his externals friends concern us all.

A period of profund questions and fears is starting to appear: it is important to reflect on them. That's why we organized the conference Trump Day, on January 20th, at 9:15 am, at the Noble Saloon of the Rectory of the University of Lisbon, with an extraordinary panel of guests.

This will be an informal debate, with questions from the moderators, quick responses and live discussion, to which we hope you can join your substantiated and clarified opinion. 

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