Conference with Adair Lord Turner "An Overview on Pensions Reform and on the Financial Crisis"

27 de Junho de 2016, pelas 9h00 no Auditório da Faculdade de Direito


An Overview on Pensions Reform and on the Financial Crisis

The IDEFF, the CIDEEFF and the APFIPP organize, on the upcoming 27th of June, in the Law Faculty’s Auditorium of the University of Lisbon, a Conference during which will intervene as an orator Adair Lord Turner, and where will also be presented a Portuguese version of his latest book: Between the Debt and the Devil.

Adair Lord Turner’s name has become a reference in the international financial system, for both the key role he played and the teachings and important publications he delivered. Out of the many statuses he assumed, shine through those of Chairman of the Governmental Commission for the Reform of the Social Security System, which obtained admired results, and Chairman of Britain’s Financial Services Authority (FSA) during the sharp period of financial crisis worldwide.

Adair Lord Turner is a freethinker, exceptionally qualified and listened at, in this time of crisis, and the two major topics he will tackle are fundamental for Portugal and the European Union combined.

The APFIPP’s Chairman will introduce the theme of Social Security, followed afterwards by a panel on Financial System and the Crisis, presented by Dr. Eduardo Paz Ferreira, Chairman of the IDEFF and Coordinator of the CIDEEFF. It will, thus, focus on Turner’s propositions in his latest book - Between the Debt and the Devil – in which the author deviates from a narrow perspective, which locate the problem only in financial regulation, in order to develop an expansionist and heterodox policy, reusing Milton Friedman’s idea of “Helicopter Money”.

It is a great honour for the Direction of the IDEFF, the CIDEEFF and the APFIPP to receive Adair Turner for this session which will be, without a doubt, fascinating and thrilling.

The participation to the Conference will cost 50 euros, including as an offer the Portuguese edition of Lord Turner’s book. Available places are scarce, and distributed according to the order of inscription.

DATE: 27th of June 2016
LOCAL: Auditorium of the Law Faculty | University of Lisbon

TIME: 09h00 untill 12h45



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