Development of a study, with the participation of CoLABOR private sector members and others, entitled "Employment in Portugal: Business Strategies, Policies and Trends.
The project is structured into three distinct phases. The initial phase, entitled "Main Employment Trends and Challenges in Portugal," comprises a series of three work packages (WP) that collectively represent distinct processes for the collection and analysis of information. In this regard, we sought to assess the relative merits of different methodological approaches while ensuring the timely acquisition and analysis of data. Each work package (WP) includes specific results that demonstrate the emerging findings and will be crucial for the public impact anticipated from a study of this nature. The second phase, entitled "Sectoral Employment Challenges and Trends in Portugal," will extend the analysis of the main employment trends and challenges in Portugal to a sectoral level. This will be done in areas that the partners have identified as exemplary or strategic, with the aim of deepening the study developed in the first phase. Finally, in the third phase (Prospective Employment Development in Portugal up to 2030), it is planned to extend the analysis of the main employment trends and challenges into a prospective approach to employment development in Portugal up to 2030. In order to achieve this objective, a range of foresight methodologies will be employed, including quantitative models based on economic and demographic indicators, future scenario approaches, and methodologies for consulting different stakeholders. The potential for involving a range of partners is also being considered, with the aim of promoting the contribution to strategic planning in companies and other employers, as well as in public policies.
General Objectives:
Research Team
Dr. Ana Teixeira (Coordinator, CoLABOR)
Dr. Jorge Caleiras (Coordinator, CoLABOR)
Prof. Dr. Ana Paula Dourado (CIDEEFF)
Claudia Marchetti da Silva (CIDEEFF)
Dora Fonseca (CoLABOR)
Diogo Silva da Cunha (CoLABOR)
Maria d'Albuquerque (CIDEEFF)
André Mendes Barata (CIDEEFF)
Duration: 2023-2025
Project ongoing