Globalization (Economic): Causes and Effects

Despite being “the big buzzword of our times”, the truth is that there is still a great lack of knowledge about the causes and effects of globalization. For example, we often hear about the "Americanization" of our way of life, but few people know that the United States ranks very poorly in what is the most popular composite index of globalization used in academic literature (the so-called KOF Index); the big surprise of some rich country governments when they discovered their dependence on China for some medical equipment, etc.



  • Infante Mota, P. (2020), "The "contagion" of (economic) globalization by COVID-19", Lisbon Law Review, 2020/1 (Thematic Issue: COVID-19 and the Law), pp. 589-617.
  • Infante Mota, P. (2020), "The international fragmentation of production", Revista de Finanças Públicas e Direito Fiscal, Year XI, No. 4, pp. 83 139.
  • Infante Mota, P. (2020), "Economic Integration Agreement"s, Integration Themes, No. 40, Almedina, pp. 152-204.
  • Infante Mota, P. (2020), Mega-Regional Agreements: A New World Trade Order?, Economic Sciences Bulletin/Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, Volume LXIII, pp. 37-187.
  • Infante Mota, P. & Moura e Silva, M. (2020), Collection of International Economic Law, Academic Association of the Faculty of Law of Lisbon, 704 pages.
  • Infante Mota, P. (2021), "From Venerable to Vulnerable: Trumping the WTO Appellate Body", Lisbon Law Review, Number 1, Volume 2, pp. 839-870.
  • Infante Mota, P. (2021), "World Trade Organization", in Nuno Severiano Teixeira & Alice Cunha (Ed.s), Dictionary Portugal Multilateral - Volume II, Almedina, Coimbra, , pp. 225-244.
  • Infante Mota, P. (2022), "Economic Migration, The Last Frontier", Journal of Applied Business and Economics, Vol. 24(1), pp. 93-113.
  • Infante Mota, P. (2022), Preferential Trade Agreements, Almedina, Coimbra, 485 pages.
  • Infante Mota, P. (2023), "A Razão de Ser do Sistema GATT/OMC", Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Manuel Carlos Lopes Porto, Boletim de Ciências Económicas, Volume LXVI, Tomo II, pp. 2235-2275.


Cientific coordination of the International Conference “WTO at 25 / OMC: 25 Anos”, held at University of Lisbon Scool of Law, on November 28th and 29th, 2019.

Participation in the International Conference “WTO at 25 / OMC: 25 Anos”, with a presentation on “Poder e Comércio: O Caso das Preferências Comerciais” (Power and trade, the case of trade preferences), on November 29 th, 2019.

Participation in the conference “Cláusula da Nação Mais Favorecida: Ainda a Pedra Angular do Comércio Mundial?", held at University of Lisbon Scool of Law, on December 6th, 2021.

Participation in the event "Jornas Jurídico-Tributárias", with a presentation on “As Organizações Económicas Internacionais: A Posição da Rússia” (International Economic Organizations: Russia's Position", held at Lusíada University, on November 30th, 2022.


Research team

Prof. Dr. Pedro Infante Mota

Duration: 2020-2022

Project closed

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