Accounting and Taxation within the Portuguese legal and administrative system have always walked hand in hand, mutually influencing each other. It is that influence, not only in Portugal but also in other parts of the world, which will be the focus of the next international conference to be held by the Office of Studies of the Order of Chartered Accountants (Gabinete de Estudos da Ordem dos Técnicos Oficiais de Contas - GEOTOC) in partnership with the Institute for Economic, Financial and Tax Law (IDEFF) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon and the Portuguese Inland Revenue (Direcção-Geral das Contribuições e Impostos - DGI). This event will be an opportunity to better understand and consider this issue, with contributions being given by leading foreign and national experts.
In keeping with the model adopted in previous years, the conference will be held in Lisbon on 8 October in the auditorium of the Centro de Congressos in Lisbon, and on in Porto in the Seminário de Vilar. Registration can only be carried out at the Order’s website upon payment of the 50 Euros conference fee. 12 credits will be awarded for attendance at the Conference in keeping with the Order’s quality control system.