II IDEFF/Almedina/OTOC Tax Law Conference

11 e 12 de Outubro de 2011 no Casino de Lisboa

II IDEFF/Almedina/OTOC Tax Law Conference
Academic Coordination: Eduardo Paz Ferreira and Clotilde Celorico Palma

Tax Law is one of the branches of legal science which has developed most in recent years, both in terms of its conceptual domain and in terms of its forensic practice and consultancy work.

The conference coordinators have selected a variety of themes to deal with the range of company tax issues which are of contemporary concern. They have in addition invited an exceptional group of academics, professionals from the Tax Authorities, as well as lawyers and consultants to this event which is dedicated to a contemporary pressing issue.

We would therefore like to extend a welcome to those wishing to dedicated two intensive working days to deepening their knowledge in the area of corporate taxation.

Conference Registration and Secretarial Services:
Through OTOC.

Ideias Concertadas
Av. Emídio Navarro, 93, 3º B
3000-151 Coimbra
Tel. +351 239 838 015
Enrolment fee:
€ 50.00 (including VAT)

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