In the 30 years after joining the EU | The budget under analysis

23 e 25 de fevereiro de 2016

In the 30 years after joining the EU | The budget under analysis

23 and 25 February 2016

At a time when the country is undergoing the turbulence of the discussion on the State Budget, after the approval of the document in Brussels, the Centre for Research in European, Economic, Financial and Tax Law of the Lisbon Law Faculty (CIDEEFF) could not ignore this debate. At the same time, CIDEEFF and the European Institute shall sign the 30 years of Portugal’s accession to the then European Economic Union with a vast number of initiatives that we will soon disclose.

Next week will be one of deep reflection. On 23 February, at 18:00, in the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Eduardo Lourenço, Paulo de Pitta e Cunha and Eduardo Paz Ferreira will give different viewpoints on the European Union and the role of Portugal in this union, in a debate that will no doubt reflect the crises that have shaped our idea of European identity.

On 25 February at 9:30 in the Lisbon Law Faculty, CIDEEFF and IDEFF shall place the budget under analysis. The day will be intense with plural, qualified and serene discussions on the major topics of the Budget.

Budgetary Policy, taxation, health and social security are the principal topics in the discussion between those responsible for these portfolios and figures from the University, from the worlds of politics and civil society.

We hope to see all our friends there with us and we hope you will also bring other friends.

Free entry by way of prior registration and subject to the capacity of the room:

Instituto Europeu da Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa

Alameda da Universidade
1649-014 Lisboa

Tel.: 217933250


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