International Trades and the Security Exception

It has been adopted recently the Arms Trade Treaty and there are several goods whose trade is controlled. This project aims to understand why these products are controlled – whether it’s because of its strategic importance (like uranium, e.g.) or/and its possible doble use (some chemicals) – and understand the interaction between the World Trade Organization in managing some very real public policy challenges, specially, his relationship with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.



  • Infante Mota, P. (2019), "The terms of trade argument and the rare earths 'war' ", Lisbon Law Review, 2019/1, pp. 91-118.
  • Infante Mota, P. (2019), "70 Years of the Security Argument in the GATT/WTO System: From the Cold War to the Trump Administration", Bulletin of Economic Sciences, Volume LXII-A (New Challenges to the Multilateral Commercial System), Faculty of Law of Coimbra, pp. 45-154.



Participation in the conference "A União Europeias e a Invasão da Ucrânia" (The EU and the Invasion of Ukraine), whit a presentation on “O Eterno Conflito entre Opulência e Segurança e a Invasão da Ucrânia” (The Eternal Conflict between Opulence and Security and the Invasion of Ukraine), held at University of Lisbon School of Law, on April 29th, 2022.


Research team

Prof. Dr. Pedro Infante Mota

Duration: 2018-2021

Project closed

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