Invitation: Discussion: "Greece and Portugal: A Common Path?"

26 de junho de 2014 pelas 10h no auditório da FDUL

Discussion: "Greece and Portugal: A Common Path?"

The austerity measures have affected all of Europe. However, countries like Portugal, Ireland and Greece have gone through serious difficulties in implementing their adjustment programmes. Violence, unemployment and the economic needs of these populations have contributed to their dissatisfaction.
Today, with some adjustments having finished, some say this was a success, while others believe that such austerity policies continue to be wrong.
And what do you think? Is Portugal equal to Greece? What are the future prospects for the Greeks and the Portuguese: different problems, or a common path? We are pleased to welcome Nicholas L. Georgakopoulos, (Indiana University), Francisco Louçã (ISEG), Ricardo Paes Mamede (ISCTE) and André Freire (ISCTE), to help us think about this topic.
Come and join in the debate with us which is entitled "Greece and Portugal: A Common Path", on 26 June, at 10 a.m. in the Faculty of Law auditorium in Lisbon.
Eduardo Paz Ferreira | Nuno Cunha Rodrigues

Admission is free subject to advance registration and subject to the capacity of the room / / + 351 217 962 198 / + 351 961 497 070

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