INVITATION: PADRE Programme Debate with Charles Wyplosz , Vítor Bento, João Cravinho and José Maria Castro Caldas

dia 20 de junho de 2014 pelas 9h30 na FDUL


Over thirty-five thousand people have signed a petition calling on the Portuguese Parliament to discuss the so-called Manifesto of 74, approving a recommendation to the Government to try and restructure debt under the terms thus outlined.

The problem of high public debt is a problem facing most Euro countries which has led to the submission of restructuring projects, among which the Padre Programme - Politically Acceptable Debt Restructuring in the Euro Zone – has taken on particular significance.
The President of the European Commission has appointed a group of experts to study the issue and promised to continue the dialogue with civil society.

Also in Portugal a Citizen’s Debt Audit submitted a set of proposals and a petition to the Parliament.

Charles Wyplosz, one of the co-authors of the Padre Programme and Director of the International Centre for Money and Banking Studies, in Geneva, is visiting IDEFF to discuss his project with Vítor Bento, state counsellor and member of the working group appointed by the President of the Commission, João Cravinho, former minister and former Member of the European Parliament, sponsor of the Manifesto of 74 and José Maria Castro Caldas, author of the Citizen’s Debt Audit, on the 20th of June, at  9.30 a.m.

This is a debate not to be missed, given the quality of the invited speakers and the importance of the subject and, therefore, I would like to invite you to attend this session of major civic importance.

Best regards,

Eduardo Paz Ferreira

Admission is free subject to advance registration and subject to the capacity of the room / / + 351 217 962 198 / + 351 961 497 070

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