Members Workshops

Sala CARL2

The Members Workshops are an activity organised by CIDEEFF for all the Members belonging to the research centre.

These workshops aim to be a space for sharing and discussing the papers and research being carried out by the different members of CIDEEFF, allowing discussion with the whole group, incorporating the different areas of the researchers and promoting interdisciplinary.

Each workshop will be attended by a member of the centre who will have 15 minutes to present the main themes/objectives dealt with in the paper and the remaining 15 minutes will be open to discussion in order to share knowledge and suggestions for the document presented.

The Members Workshops will be held once a month, in the first week of each month, between 1pm and 1.30pm, between October and December and, in the second half of the year, between February and April, starting October 2, 2024.


To take part and for more information, please send an email to


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