Open Session: Greece and now? Video record available

04 de março de 2015 pelas 9h30 no auditório da FDUL

Open Session: Greece and now?
04 March 2015
9:30 a.m. in the FDUL auditorium

The Institute for Economic, Financial and Tax Law and the European Institute are pleased to invite you to attend the session "Greece: and now?”, to be held next Wednesday, 4 March. The aim of the session is to undertake a study of the proposals of the new Greek government, its recent negotiations with European institutions and the reactions of different European governments to the new Greek situation, especially the Portuguese reaction.
The political and economic consequences which the agreements reached by Yanis Varoufakis’s team may have in Portugal form the theme for the debate to be held in the auditorium of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.

The session will be opened by Professor Stuart Holland, former British Member of Parliament, advisor to Jacques Delors and António Guterres and co-author with the current Greek Minister of Finances of the "Modest Proposal to Save the Euro" and the "Ulysses Project”. The expected speakers include national political figures such as Francisco Louçã, João Cravinho and Pacheco Pereira, the Portuguese MPs Mota Amaral, Monica Ferro, Teresa Leal Coelho and João Galamba, former MEPs Correia de Campos, Diogo Feio and Rui Tavares, the President of the Court of Auditors Guilherme d'Oliveira Martins and the MEP João Ferreira.

Admission is free subject to advance registration and subject to the capacity of the room

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