Portuguese/EU – United States relations within a changing world

28 de Setembro de 2010 no Auditório da FDL

IDEFF is pleased to invite you to attend the conference on Portuguese/EU – United States relations within a  changing world which will take place on 28 September 2010 in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.
At the end the Conference a presentation will be made to introduce Issue No. 3 of the IDEFF Colloquia Collection: Portugal, the European Union and the United States. - New Economic Perspectives within a Globalization context.
We would like to draw attention to the pertinence of this subject and the quality of the conference speakers.
Admission free, upon prior registration made by emailing us at ideff@fd.ul.pt
Conference made possible through the kind efforts of: The U.S. Embassy, the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Commission Representation, Luso-American Foundation, Deloitte, Millenniumbcp.

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