Seminar "Competition Law in Spain – Current Issues"

16 de junho de 2016, pelas 18h00 na Autoridade da Concorrência

Competition Law in Spain – Current Issues
June 16th 2016, at 6:00pm in the Portuguese Competition Authority

The Portuguese Competition Authority and the Economic, Financial and Fiscal Law’s Institute of the University of Lisbon’s Law Faculty, have the pleasure to invite you to this Seminar on “Competition Law in Spain – Current Issues”, taking place on the 16th of June 2016 at 6:00pm in the Portuguese Competition Authority (Av. de Berna, 19, 10th floor).

This seminar will be animated by Antonio Robles Martin-Laborda , who will discuss, namely:
(i) organisation and functioning of the new Spanish ANC, with an highlight on questions related to transactions, commitments, fixations of fines and sanctions against administrators;
(ii) process of transposition of the Directive 2014/104/UE (concerning cases where effects of a prior decision of the ANC in a private enforcement process have already been discussed); and
(iii) sharing economy (in the acting of the government, tribunals, and Competition Authorities).

Free participation needing prior inscription at:

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