Seminar "The Social State of Law and the Crisis of Democratic Politics"

21 de outubro de 2015 às 9h30 no Auditório da FDUL

"The Social State of Law and the Crisis of Democratic Politics"
21 October 2015 at 09h30 in the Auditório at FDUL

The Centre for Research European, Economic, Financial and Tax Law (CIDEEFF) and the Observatory on Crisis and Alternatives of the Centre for Social Studies Associated Laboratory of the University of Coimbra (CES) are honoured to invite you to a seminar on "The Social State of Law and the Crisis of Democratic Politics".

The Seminar will be attended by Tarso Genro, Laborinho Lúcio, Jorge Reis Novais, António Casimiro Ferreira and moderated by Eduardo Paz Ferreira.

       Eduardo Paz Ferreira                                                      Manuel Carvalho da Silva
   (Coordinator of CIDEEFF)                  (Coordinator of the Observatory on Crisis and Alternatives/CES)

Free entry, subject to seating capacity, upon prior registration at: / 216 012 848

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