The application of EU law considers an appropriate link with the territory of the Union to respect the basic principle of territoriality enshrined in public international law.
However, in some cases, public international law allows states to exercise their jurisdiction extraterritoriality. We found exceptions to the principle of territoriality, namely those arising from the application of the following principles or theories: i) Objective territoriality; ii) Universality; iii) “Effective control”; iv) Nationality; v) “Substantial connection”; vi) Effects.
Over the years, EU economic Law has been expanding its territory, by applying exceptions to the principle of territoriality and adding new elements of connection. This phenomenon – that we designate the “extraterritoriality of EU economic law” – ca n be noticed in different branches of law, like competition law, Food law and consumer law, Environmental law and Trade law.
Briefly what we tried to do during this project was:
Impact, Visibility and Dissemination
The main impact of this action was to, in one hand, to give students and other parties the knowledge to better understand the European Union Economic Law. The courses contributed for training students and professionals and to increase knowledge on European Studies not only in Portugal and Europe, but also in third countries.
As the main outcomes and impacts of this action are:
a) The ability to reach out to students and workers – both in the public and private sectors –, offering them courses and discussion spaces where it is possible to understand the impacts of European economic law. With these activities, it was possible to generate new knowledge regarding the processes that characterize European economic law, recognizing that the topics dealt with stem directly from the needs of all participants and society
b) Participation in research networks and other projects, namely the Building Rights and Developing knowledge between European Union and Latin America – BRIDGE”. In order to promote discussion regarding the impact of European economic law between various countries, the action's coordinator participated in research networks – the “Integration, State and Governance” research network – which included other Professors who were also awarded the Jean Monnet Chair. As well as the BRIDGE project, which incorporates several universities: Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil), University of Lisbon (Lisbon), University of Seville (Spain), University of Milan (Italy), National Autonomous University (Mexico), of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and the University of Rosario (Colombia). This project is part of two core points of this Chair: the study of the extraterritoriality of European economic law, as well as the study of these issues in developing countries. The sharing of knowledge between academics from different countries promoted the discussion that has already promoted the holding of three conferences to debate: trade and investment relations between the European Union and Latin America; migration and citizenship in the EU and Latin America; and, building rights and developing knowledge between the European Union and Latin America”
c) The seven publications that resulted from the interactions between the coordinator, academics and practitioners from Portugal, Europe and other countries outside the European Union and Europe. With these publications, namely the published books, it was possible to contribute to excellence and innovation both in terms of teaching this subject and in its research. Furthermore, the modernization, internationalization, and trans-nationalization of the conventional curriculum in these subjects was promoted.
The communication, dissemination and visibility strategy developed was one of the most important actions throughout all the implementation of the project. This was the most concrete and easy way to share the results and activities, to raise awareness of the target stakeholders, to direct communicate with them, as well as the creation of a network related to the topics addressed in this action.
We were able to foster knowledge of specialists (academics and researchers) and non-specialists (students and professionals) on this particular issue of the EU integration process by using the following websites:
In here we share the programmes of the courses and conferences, papers, e-books, studies and reports, and other information considered relevant.
A section was created on the website of the European Institute to share all the activities, conferences, participations in events, and publications regarding the Coordinator of the Chair:
We were able to use the social media webpage of the European Institute and of IDEFF which have a significant number of followers ( ; ; ).
All the articles published are in “open source” access. In relation to the books, they are not in open access – except for the eBooks – but they can be consulted on the premises of the European institute.
The book at the end of the project will be published by an international editor, similar to those that have been publishing books where the applicant is author (v.g. Palgrave and Springer) so that it can be sold worldwide.
Even though the financial support of this project will end, we compromise to continue to offer the courses regarding these themes, especially the Postgraduate Course in Postgraduate Course in Public Procurement, International and European Law, National and Competition Law. As well, promoting meetings and conferences, that will build a stronger and more robust network, able to influence and diagnose how the extraterritoriality of the EU economic law can and will continue to influence our lives and our States.
Over the course of the project, more than 400 students participated in our courses and activities.
i. Rodrigues, N. C. (2018), “A regulação da economia colaborativa pela União Europeia”, Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, LVIX (2), 59-62. (EU Economic Regulation)
ii. Rodrigues, N.C, Diz, J. M. & Caldas, R. G. (2019), “Perspetivas Luso-Brasileiras sobre Contratação Pública”, Lisboa, Associação Académica da Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa. (Public Procurement in Portugal and Brazil)
iii. Rodrigues, N. C. (2019), “The regulation of collaborative economy in the European Union”, UNIO – EU Law Journal, 5(1), 40-53.
iv. Cabral, N. C & Rodrigues, N. C (2019) (eds.), The Future of Pension Plans in EU Internal Market – Coping with Trade-Offs Between Social Rights and Capital Markets, Chan, Switzerland.
v. Rodrigues, N. C (2021) (ed.), Extraterritoriality of EU Economic Law – The Application of EU Economic Law Outside the Territory of the EU, Cham, Switzerland.
vi. Rodrigues, N. C. (2021), “A cooperação internacional no âmbito das políticas de concorrência dos PALOP”, in Dário Vicente et al. (2021), Estudos Comemorativos dos 30 anos de cooperação – Entre a Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa e a Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Lisboa, Associação Académica da Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa. (Competition Policies in Portuguese Speaking Countries)
vii. Rodrigues, N. C. & Cunha, A. (2022) (eds.), Portuguese Economic Development and External Funding in the Modern Era, Brighton, Sussex Academic Press.
Implemented activities
i. Conference “Globalization of EU Competition Law: Jean Monnet Chair”, November 7, 2018 -
ii. Conference “Brexit from a Scotland point of view”, April 8, 2019 -
iii. Conference “ The Extraterritoriality of EU Law and the partnership agreements in the field on sustainable fisheries”, May 31, 2019 -
iv. Conference “Which European Union is this?”, July 12, 2019 -
v. Conference cycle "Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union"
vi. Conference “Relações comerciais e de investimento entre a União Europeia e a América Latina”, March 15, 2021, online conference
vii. Conference “Extraterritoriality of EU Economic Law”, May 12 and 13, 2022, Lisbon
i. Postgraduate Course The European Law in Action (February 22 to May 18, 2019) -
ii. Postgraduate Course in Law and Practice of Structural Funds Application (February 22 to May 11, 2019) -
iii. II Postgraduate Course in Economic Law and Social Investment (March 1 to May 3, 2019) -
iv. VI, VII, VIII, IX Postgraduate Course in Public Procurement, International and European Law, National and Competition Law, since 2018 to 2022 -
Participation of the Coordinator in other events Conferences
i. WinterCampCEmp, March 22 to 24, 2019, Ílhavo, Portugal
ii. Annual Meeting of European Law faculties Association (ELFA), April 11 and 12, Turim, Italy
iii. XXVIII ELRA General Assembly, intervention about “Smart Contracts data and Land Registration”, November 22,2019, Roterdam
iv. “EU Law, Competition, and International Trade – New Year’s Resolution” in the “Economic Freedoms, Market Regulation and Brexit – “Après nous, Le deluge or Much Ado about Nothing”, January 20, 2020
v. “Brasil em tempos de crise – Perspetivas e desafios para a União Europeia e o mundo no global”, April 27, 2020, online conference
vi. Webinar “A União Europeia, o Multilateralismo e o mundo pós COVID-19: oportunidades e desafios”, May 19, 2020, online conference
vii. Webinar “Efeitos Extra-Territoriais do Direito da União Europeia: Concorrência, Proteção de Dados, Ambiente”, June 16, 2020, online conference
viii. Conference “A União Europeia, o multilateralismo e o mundo pós-COVID-19: oportunidades e desafios”, August 12, 2020, online conference.
ix. II Webminar Internacional “Política Exterior, segurança e estratégia: Relações Europa e América do Sul”, September 22, 2020, online conference
x. Conference “A Adesão do Brasil ao Acordo de Contratações Públicas da OMC: o que poderá mudar?”, November 4, 2020, online conference
xi. Conference “Steering the future: Green Sustainable and Digital Procurement” (Keynote speaker), May 7, 2021, online conference
xii. Conference “Semana da Europa”, May 2021, online conference
xiii. Conference “VI Congresso Eurolatinoamericano sobre Integración (jurídica, económica y político-social)”, June 23, 24 and 25, 2021
xiv. Conference “Conferência de Encerramento do Fórum do Mercado Único”, June 25, 2021, online conference
xv. Conference “VIII Simpósio de Direito Internacional da Universidade Federal do Ceará” September 10, 2021, online conference
xvi. Seminar “II Jean Monnet Network – BRIDGE Seminar Migration and Citizenship in the European Union and Latin America”, November 9, 2021, online conference
xvii. Conference “II Conferência sobre Concorrência e Regulação Económica”, December 17, 2021, online conference
xviii. Conference “Invasão da Ucrânia: uma nova ordem nas relações internacionais?”, March 7, 2022, online conference
xix. Conference “III Jean Monnet Network Meeting – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México”, March 28 to 30, Mexico.
i. XVIII Meeting of the Integration, Sate and Governance Research Network and the Jean Monnet Chairs of the University of Lisbon and The Federal University of Minas Gerais, January 28, 2019 -
ii. Visit from Students of University of Temple, Rome to the European Institute regarding the Jean Monnet Chair, March 29, 2019 -
iii. Debate “Why the world isn’t waiting util nest time…I will vote now!”, April 2, 2019 -
iv. Class of Economic Law of the European Union, May 20, 2019, taught by Prof. Dr. Tomas Sejkora and Prof. Dr. Michael Kohaja (Czech Republic)
v. Meeting with Prof. Dr. Adi Ayal from the Bar-Ilan University of Israel to discuss the reach of the application of competition law in Portugal and Israel, and in particular the extraterritorial effect of EU Economic Law in Israel. July 9, 2019, Lisbon.
vi. Professor Dr. Nuno Cunha Rodrigues taught a session in the Center for Legal in the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, September 2, 2019.
vii. Prof. Dr. Nuno Cunha Rodrigues participate in the seminar on the Extraterritoriality Effects of EU Economic Law – EU Law Beyond the Union, organized by the Research Group for EU/EEA Competition and Market Law and Bergen Center for Competition Law and Economics (BECCLE), on October 2, 2019.
viii. Prof. Dr. Nuno Cunha Rodrigues taught a session about “International rules about Public Procurement and the Comercial Agreement between the EU and the Mercosur”, 22 November, 2019, Rome
ix. XXIII Meeting of the Research Network “Integration, State and Governance”, January 27, 2020
x. Joint declaration on the future of the European Union, 10 June 2020. The IELEPI+ network is an international research network made up of experts in European Union law. On June 10, the members of the network approved and signed the “Common Declaration on the Future of the European Union”, available in the original version.
xi. Faculty of Law submits application to Jean Monnet network project (2020). In the past, the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon submitted an application for a Jean Monnet network project, involving five universities of international prestige (Seville, in Spain; Studi di Milano, Italy; National Autonomous of Mexico ; Buenos Aires, Argentina and Rosario, Colombia) as well as the Federal University of Santa Catarina, in Brazil, as the coordinating entity.
Project Team
Prof. Dr. Nuno Cunha Rodrigues CIDEEFF/University of Lisbon (Coordinator)
Prof. Dr. Eduardo Paz Ferreira CIDEEFF/University of Lisbon
Prof. Dr. Jamile Mata Diz Federal University of Minas Gerais
Prof. Dr. Kirstyn Inglis University of São Paulo
Prof. Dr. Carlos Molina Del Pozo Universitu of Alcalá
Prof. Dr. Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui University of Bergen
Prof. Dr. Marek Martyniszyn Queen’s University Belfast
Prof. Dr. Pedro Infante Mota CIDEEFF/University of Lisbon
Prof. Dr. Rute Saraiva CIDEEFF/University of Lisbon
Prof. Dr. Miguel Sousa Ferro CIDEEFF/University of Lisbon
Duration: 2018-2022 (49 months)
Project status: Closed