Workshop "The Unconditional Basic Income"

15 de maio de 2017, Auditório da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa

Organization: Nazaré da Costa Cabral (CIDEEFF, Lisbon School of Law)
Executive secretary: Sérgio Varela Alves (CIDEEFF)

Working languages: English/Portuguese

Free admission subject to registration to


Opening session: 9:45

Morning session (10:00 – 13:00)

Panel 1  (10:00 - 10:45): ‘The UBI and minimum income models’
- Pierre Guibentif (Professor, ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon)
- Paulo Pedroso (Researcher, ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon)
Moderator: Nazaré da Costa Cabral (Professor, Lisbon School of Law, University of Lisbon)

Coffee-Break (10:45 – 11:00)

Panel 2 (11:00 – 13:00): ‘UBI international experiences’
- Olli Kangas (Professor, Research Director of Kela, Social Insurance Institution of Finland) - download the presentation here
- Vito Laterza (Professor, University of Oslo, Department of Social Anthropology) - download the presentation here
- Jurgen De Wispelaere (Professor, University of Bath, Institute for Policy Research - ISRF Political Economy Research Fellow) - download the presentation here
- Sara Bizarro/Roberto Merrill (Professors, Center for Ethics, Policy and Research - University of Minho)
Moderator: Nazaré da Costa Cabral (Professor, Lisbon School of Law, University of Lisbon)

Afternoon session (14:30 – 17:30)

Round Table: ‘The introduction of the UBI in Portugal: analysing its necessity and feasibility’
- Carlos Farinha Rodrigues (Professor, ISEG – University of Lisbon)
- Manuel Carvalho da Silva (Professor, CES – University of Coimbra)
- Renato do Carmo (Professor, ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon)
- Martim Avillez Figueiredo (Company Manager)
- André Azevedo Alves (Professor, IEP – Catholic University of Portugal)
- André Barata (Professor, UBI – University of Beira Interior)
- Luís Teles Morais (Assistant Professor – ISEG, University of Lisbon /Director of the Institute Thomas Jefferson)
Moderator: Pedro Araújo (Dinheiro Vivo newspaper)

Closing Session (17:30)
José António Vieira da Silva, The Portuguese Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security
Eduardo Paz Ferreira, CIDEEFF's coordinator


All the videos from the conference are available on our YouTube channel: click here to access it.

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