June 16, 2014


IDEFF is organizing the 6th edition of the GREIT Lisbon Summer Course. This year’s Course will focus on “TAX GOOD GOVERNANCE AND THE BEPS ACTION PLAN”, from 16-20 June, 2014.

This year’s course is once again structured to foster debate among both lecturers and participants from different countries, enabling all participants to enter into a detailed analysis of the current tax topics under discussion in the European Union.

Topics selected are the following:

The OECD Agenda on BEPS and Output and the EU approach; The IP Box Systems: Common Framework, Benchmarks and Efficient Patent Boxes; Milestones for Fostering Research and Development Activities in light of Tax Good Governance, International Trade and Transparency; Address the Tax Challenges of the Digital Economy; Hybrid Mismatch Arrangements; Strengthening CFC Rules; Limit Base Erosion via Interest Deduction and Others; Counter harmful Tax Practices more Effectively taking into account Transparency and Substance; Prevent Treaty Abuse; Prevent Artificial Avoidance of the PE Status; Transfer Pricing Outcome and Value Creation: Risks and Capital and Other High-Risk Transactions; Economic Operations and Transfer Pricing Methods: Case Analysis; Require Taxpayers to Disclose their Aggressive Tax Planning Arrangements; Re-examining Transfer Pricing Documentation and Methodologies to Collect and Analyze Data on BEPS; The recent Portuguese Corporate Income Tax reform in the light of BEPS; Make Dispute Resolution Mechanisms more effective and Develop a Multilateral Instrument; Critical overview on BEPS and EU Tax Good Governance.
The course will also comprise the analysis of case studies from case law dealing with the topics above mentioned.

The international panel of lecturers includes distinguished academics and professionals:

Dr. Paolo Arginelli (IBFD); Prof. Dr. Luc de Broe (KU Univ. of Leuven); Prof. Dr. Cécile Brokelind (Univ. of Lund);Prof. Jan  de Goede, econ. drs. (IBFD); Prof. Dr. Robert Danon (Univ. of Lausanne); Dr. Sjoerd Douma (ITC Leiden); Prof. Dr. Ana Paula Dourado (CIDEEFF/Univ. of Lisbon); Adv. LLM. José Almeida Fernandes (CIDEEFF/MLGTS);Prof. Dr. Jacques Malherbe (UCL Univ. of Leuven); Prof. Dr. Otto Marres (Univ. of Amsterdam); Prof. Dr. António Martins (Univ. of Coimbra); Prof. Dr, Maria Teresa Soler Roch (Univ. of Alicante); Prof. Dr. Pasquale Pistone (IBFD/WU Vienna/Univ. of Salerno); Prof. Dr. Piergiorgio Valente (Confédération Fiscale Européenne); Prof. Dr. Frans Vanistendael (KU Univ. of Leuven); Prof. Dr. Dennis Weber (Univ. of Amsterdam/ACTL).

We kindly ask you to disseminate the GREIT Summer Course 2014 in your professional organization and network.


Enrolment/Contact us at: greit.lisbon.summer.course@gmail.com

Visit the Schedule Course at: http://www.ideff.pt/xms/files/Iniciativas/6Th_GREIT_/2014_03_14_Schedule_GREIT_SC_2014.pdf

Application Form: http://www.ideff.pt/xms/files/Iniciativas/6Th_GREIT_/17_03_2014_GREIT_2014_Application_Form.pdf

Course Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ana Paula Dourado
Assistants: Aakriti Srivastav/Carla Sá/Daniela Tavares/Raluca Ghiurco

CIDEEFF – Centro de Investigação de Direito Europeu, Económico, Financeiro e Fiscal
IDEFF - Instituto de Direito Económico, Financeiro e Fiscal
ideff@fd.ul.pt | www.ideff.pt
Alameda da Universidade - Faculdade de Direito
1649-014 Lisboa
+ 351 217 962 198 / + 351 961 497 070

The Lisbon Executive Seminar “Tax good governance and the IP box systems” on June 16, 2014 at University of Lisbon

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ana Paula Dourado (Univ. of Lisbon)

See more information on the Executive Seminar at: http://www.ideff.pt/xms/files/Iniciativas/Executive_Seminars_2014/2014_03_14_Executive_Seminar_Application_Form.pdf

Application form: http://www.ideff.pt/xms/files/Iniciativas/Executive_Seminars_2014/2014_03_14_Executive_Seminar_Application_Form.pdf

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