Call for Papers - Competition & Regulation Journal

April 30, 2018

The Portuguese Competition & Regulation Journal (C&R) invites authors to submit papers for publication in Issues 33 and 34 of C&R.

The C&R is a scientific publication aimed at promoting reflection and innovation in the fields of competition law and economic regulation, as well as economic law and economy in general. It is the result of a partnership between the AdC and IDEFF. It is a widely recognized publication, which brings together an academic perspective with a more practical approach, providing a working tool for a broad audience. The CRJ also includes comments of decision-making practice and case-law, book reviews and brief notes on legislation and case-law.

For papers to be considered, they should be on Competition Law or on any branch of Regulatory Law. They may also be papers from any other scientific field, focusing on the same areas of research.

Papers may be submitted in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish.

Potential authors may submit their papers or ask for additional information through the following emails: /


For the Board
Miguel Sousa Ferro

The President of the Editorial Board
Mariana Tavares


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