CPA Associates International- International Tax Seminar

May 18, 2012

CPA Associates International- International Tax Seminar
18 May 2012

Hosted by Martins Pereira & Associados and in collaboration with IDEFF (Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon)

I have the pleasure to invite you and your tax colleagues to the third CPA EMEA International Tax Seminar hosted by our Portuguese member firm, Martins Pereira & Associados, and in collaboration with IDEFF (Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon).

The programme will cover international taxation, estate planning, VAT and EU case law. We have three external speakers:
 Professor Ana Paula Dourado from the University of Lisbon will be covering the Exchange of Information under European Tax Treaties;
 John Ward an Emeritus Professor of Taxation at the University of Ulster in Ireland, will be speaking to us on recent EU Case Law;
 Menno Talsma a Dutch Tax Inspector and VAT Specialist who will be providing update on recent developments in VAT in the EU.

In addition to our externals speakers, we also have presentations from our members on international taxation subjects.

If you would like to join us for the social element of our Technical Seminar on the Friday evening to network you are more than welcome. To offer an insight into what Lisbon has to offer visitors, we have organised a gentle walking tour on from the hotel around the City ending up for a well deserved drink and meal at the Casa Da Comida restaurant.

We hope to welcome you in Lisbon. Please complete and submit your online booking form as soon as possible to secure your place.

Hans van den Besselaar

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