II Summer School on Human Rights

June 02, 2015

II Summer School on Human Rights

The second edition of the Summer School on Human Rights will begin on 2 June 2015, in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon (FDUL).

This year, the Institute for Economic, Financial and Tax Law, the European Institute and Amnesty International Portugal will once again concentrate on economic and social rights, particularly the international obligations of States to fully implement these human rights. It will consider the mandate of Portugal as a member of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations, which began in January of this year, as well as the protection of vulnerable groups.

Speakers will include representatives of bodies linked to the European Union, researchers from Amnesty International, the Chairperson of the Portuguese Committee for Refugees (CPR), Teresa Tito de Morais, and Pedro Delgado Aves, among other members of staff of the Faculty of Law of Lisbon University (FDUL).

The Summer School on Human Rights is the result of a protocol signed between Amnesty International Portugal (AI Portugal), the European Institute (IE) and the Institute for Economic, Financial and Tax Law (IDEFF) of the Law School of the University of Lisbon.

The course will be free, complete with certificate of attendance, but it is necessary to enroll using the email: aiconferencia@gmail.com.

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