Message of Professor Eduardo Paz Ferreira

June 18, 2013

European Citizenship

Because I cannot accept that a Government of a Member State shuts down the television public service.

Because I cannot accept that the European Governments and Institutions take no action regarding the limitations to civil liberties and judicial power's independence in States such as Hungary.

Because I cannot accept restrictions on freedom of movement of persons enforced by Member States.

Because I cannot accept that Europe becomes just a technocrat project.

Because I know that it was European integration that allowed the progress and well-being in Europe.

Because I know how much the consolidation of democracy and the modernization of the economy and the Portuguese society own to our membership.

Because I know we must honor the memory of the dreamers that have joined efforts to overcome difficulties.

Because I know that despite all those trying to put States against States, the feeling of being part of a common project is growing among younger generations.

For all these reasons, I appeal to all of you to join an intense and active mobilization towards an European citizenship that extend and deepen the national citizenship.

Eduardo Paz Ferreira

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