Note of regret at the passing of Professor Alberto Xavier

September 10, 2016

IDEFF's board and all its members and collaborators express extreme regret for the death of Professor Alverto Xavier on friday, September 9th, at Rio de Janeiro.

Prominent jurist, Professor at Faculty of Law and of Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, his thesis "Conceito e Natureza do Acto Tributário" and the manuals and publications in International Fiscal Law set unparalleled marks in the Fiscal Law Science and the International Fiscal law, with repercussions in several generations, beyond the borders of Portugal and Brazil.  

The funeral ocurred on sunday (September 11th), at 8 am, at chapel 8 of Memorial do Carmo, at Caju, Rio de Janeiro, and the cremation at the same place at 5 pm.

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