Passing away of Dr. Nuno Sá Gomes

February 13, 2015
It was with great sadness that IDEFF learnt of the passing away of Dr. Nuno Sá Gomes, who was a Junior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law at Lisbon University, a member of the Centre for Tax Studies and the Academic Committee of the Portuguese Tax Association, and one of the major figures in Tax Law in Portugal.
The body of Dr. Nuno Sá Gomes was taken to the Church of St. Francis of Assisi on 8 February. The mass and funeral took place on 9 February.
The Seventh Day Mass took place on 13 February at 19:00 in the Church of Saint George of Arroios, Rua Alves Torgo, No. 1, in Lisbon.
IDEFF expresses its deepest condolences to his Family.
The President of IDEFF,
Professor Doutor Eduardo Paz Ferreira
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