Seminário - "Harmonization of Anti-Abuse Provisions “Through the Back Door”? The Impact of the ATAD’s GAAR on the Member States’ DTCs"

February 11, 2021
Seminário - "Harmonization of Anti-Abuse Provisions “Through the Back Door”? The Impact of the ATAD’s GAAR on the Member States’ DTCs"

Temos o prazer de iniciar o Ano Novo com o nosso seminário “The Lisbon International & European Tax Law Seminars 2021”, coordenado por Ana Paula Dourado (Universidade de Lisboa) e Rita de la Feria (Universidade de Leeds).

Junte-se a nós no dia 11 de fevereiro às 14:30 GMT. Stefanie Geringer (University of Vienna) apresentará “Harmonization of Anti-Abuse Provisions “Through the Back Door”? The Impact of the ATAD’s GAAR on the Member States’ DTCs”.

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